ABM Medical

ABM Medical

Skin Tightening

InMode's Forma Plus for tightening laxities

InMode's Forma Plus for tightening laxities.

As we age, collagen levels gradually drop and, as a result, the skin’s natural elasticity is impaired. The result of the natural aging process is sagging skin, seen as an enemy by many people at different stages of life.

The discomfort can also affect patients who have undergone significant weight loss and the effects are noticed mainly around the chin (the famous “double chin”), arms (with the dreaded “bye-bye” movement) and thighs.

To solve these problems, treatments that promote skin tightening are welcome. In this process, there is a stimulus for the creation of support fibers and the heat from the technologies helps to “glue” the layers together. The treatment is minimally invasive and recognized for its quick and visible results from the first session.

ABM Medical InMode Forma Plus